Just for fun

Photo by Lynda Lee Photography. Lynda Lee
is also the photo editor at L&L Magazine.

The above and other images have been created by Maria Arvelo.

One of the many earlier designs by Joane Shamma.

At patrons' requests, the advance purchase of the original Joane Shamma artwork depicting Creation, from a dolphin's perspective is now available (BELOW). The quotes are both lyrics to the songs which represent all persons desire to find meaning in their lives. To hear the full opening of the play (The Creation Myth), as performed by Russ Buchanan (the character of The Old Man), or the songs from which these lyrics are derived, go to the MUSIC tab. Because each T-shirt is an original work of art, they currently are valued at $100 each. If you decide to purchase a shirt now, please indicate the size, color and style.

"I am the Ocean, Wishing for Rain." --Rowena (female lead)

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